




学好 英语 短语 对于我们 学习英语 十分重要,那么以k开头的常用英语短语都有哪些吗?下面我为大家带来k开头的常用英语短语,欢迎同学们学习!


keep (on) doing 继续;反复不断地做某事

keep „out of„ 使„不进入„

keep a certain distance 保持一定距离

keep a record (of sth.) 作记录

keep back 扣留

keep fit 保持身体健康

keep in touch with 与„„保持距离

keep off 让开;不接近

keep one’s balance 保持平衡

keep one’s promise 遵守诺言

keep one’s word 守约;守信

keep sb doing sth 让某人不停地做某事

keep silence/silent 保持安静

keep up with 跟上

keep up 保持;维持;继续

keep watch 守望,值班

keep„alive 存活

keep„away from„ 使远离„„

keep„from doing sth. 阻止做某事

keep„in mind 记住;想着

keep„out/ keep„out of„ 不让„„进入

key figure 关键人物

kick off 踢脱(鞋子等)

kick the habit of 改掉„„的习惯

kiss sb. hello / goodbye 亲吻某人问好╱吻别

knock against 撞击

knock at / on(the door) 敲(门)

knock down 撞倒

knock into撞上

knock over 撞翻

knock„in/ knock„into„ 把„„敲进„„

knock„off„ 撞离

knock„out / knock„out of„ 把„„敲出来

know about / of 了解有关情况

K开头 实用英语 短语缩写

KK – Knock, knock 敲门声,意为有人在吗?

KK – Okay, okay 好的,没问题

K8T – Katie/Kate 凯特(名字)

KB – Keyboard 键盘

KEWL – Cool 酷

KIT – Keep in touch 保持联系

KNOW – knowledge 知识

k开头的常用英语短语相关 文章 :

1. 字母k开头的英语短语

2. 最常用英语短语大全

3. g开头常用英语短语 g开头实用英语短语缩写

4. 常用英语短语

5. sk开头的英文单词


Within you I lose myself, without you I find myself wanting to be lost again.


When love is not madness, it is not love.


Who travels for love finds a thousand miles not longer than one.


Wherever you go, whatever you do, I will be right here waiting for you.


Kiss you when you wake.在你醒来时偷偷吻你(k的好难找,这个还可以吧)

my heart is with you.我的爱与你同在

may your love soar on the wings of a dove in flight.愿你的爱乘着飞翔的白鸽,展翅高飞。


K开头短语kick away 踢开keep sth under lock and key 保管kick the football 踢 kick out = fire sb 解雇… kidnap the childrenkill oneself 自杀 kill time 消磨时间keep doing sth 持续 keep notes = keep diary...



句子:Dying in your arms,be kill by your kiss.(垂死在你的怀抱之中,被你的吻所杀)

= =自己瞎编的,不知道你喜不喜欢……如果是家庭作业就别用这个了……

以K开头的单词 或一句话

keep - v. to possess; to have for oneself

kick - v. to hit with the foot

kidnap - v. to seize and take away by force

kill - v. to make dead; to cause to die

kind - n. sort ("What kind of dog is that?"); ad. gentle; caring; helpful

kiss - v. to touch with the mouth to show love or honor

knife - n. a tool or weapon used to cut

know - v. to understand something as correct; to have the facts about; to recognize someone because you have met and talked together before

knowledge - n. that which is known; learning or understanding


keel, keen, keep, kelp, keno, kent, kept, kerb, keys, kick, kids, kill, kiln, kilo, kilt, kind, king, kink, kips, kiss, kite, kits, kiwi, knap, knee, knew, knit, knob, knot, know, kola, karat, karma, kayak, kazoo, khaki, kiddy, kinky, kiosk, kimono, kinder, kindle, kindly, kingly, kidnaps, kidneys, kidskin, killers, kilowatt, knowable, knowingly, knowledge, kindliness, kinescopes, kindhearted, kindergarten, kaleidoscopes, kaleidoscopic, knowledgeably, keratoplasties, knickerbockers, kinesthetically

kablooey adj.美俚出了毛病的

kadi n.(=cadi)下级法官

kafir corn 高粱

kakistocracy n. 恶人政治

kaleidoscopic adj. 万花筒的, 五花八门的

Komintern n.共产主义国际

knowledge industry 知识产业, 知识界

knowledge concentrated industry 知识密集型产业

knowing adj.会意的, 心照不宣的, 聪颖的, 精明的, 贬世故的, 狡猾的

kitchensink adj.刻划现代生活不光明的一面的

kindergarten adj.幼儿园的, 初级的, 启蒙阶段的

kakotopia n.坎坷邦("乌托邦"之对, 指充满丑恶与不幸之地,亦作cacotopia)


下面我为大家整理的以字母k开头的 英语 短语 ,希望能对大家的学习有所帮助!

keep the balance of nature 保持生态平衡

It is important that we ( should ) keep the balance of nature.


keep/stay awake 保持醒着

He tried to keep awake.


keep a diary 记 日记

His father ordered that he should keep a diary in English.


keep healthy/fit 保持身体健康

Keep healthy first if you want to become wealthy.


keep one’s temper 不发脾气

You should learn to keep your temper under control.


keep sb. informed of sth. 让某人了解某事

He will keep the RO informed of any incidents.


Keep sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事

These days it may keep you from losing your cool.


Keep in touch with 保持联系

We must keep in touch with each other.


keep doing something 一直做某事

He keeps running in the morning everyday.


keep / bear / have sth in mind 心里想着某事

Keep it in mind . Please don't forget.

记住, 别忘了.

keep one’s promise 遵守诺言

One should keep his promise.


keep back 扣下,*隐瞒,*留在后面

She was unable to keep back her tears, and wept freely.

她抑制不住泪水, 痛痛快快地哭了起来.

keep down控制,*使留级

He couldn't keep down his anger.


keep up 保持

We are very anxious to keep up the reputation of the firm.


keep up with 跟上,*及时了解

The child could not keep up with his father's strides.


keep watch 执勤,*警惕

Who will keep watch tonight?


keep out of 不惹事

Tell the children to keep out of mischief!


keep an eye out for sb/sth 留人或注意某人或某事物

Keep an eye out for anyone selling tickets.


keep an eye on 照料,*照管

Will you please keep an eye on my luggage?


knock at 敲门

He knock at the door and enter.


kinds of 各种各样的

You can avoid all kinds of trouble by letting well alone.


Kneel down 下跪

Christians often kneel down to say their prayers.


Knock down 撞到,*抢劫

He wanted to knock down a bank.


knock over 打翻,*偷窃,*使吃惊,*轻易击败

Look out! Don't knock the stool over.


knock into sb. 撞倒某人身上,*遇见

I was so hurried as to knock into my teacher.


knock against 撞到…上

He advanced with precaution, taking care not to knock against the furniture.

他朝前走,谨慎小心, 唯恐撞了家具.

knock up 敲门叫某人起床

Except for the persons she had gone to knock up, everyone was present.

除了她刚才去敲门叫唤的那些人之外, 其余的人都来了.

knock off 停止工作,*降低

Let's knock off now.


knock out击倒,*淘汰

This little lady will knock out a tank at 300 yards.


know about 了解……情况

Keep quiet, we don't want the whole world to know about it.

安静些, 我们可不想让人人都知道这件事.

know of 听说过

I don't know the writer, but I know of him.

我不认识这个作家, 但我听说过.

